681 Beach Dr La Selva Beach, California, 95076 United States
Calfee Design
Our bicycle frames were born in 1987, tested in the Tour de France in 1991, and optimized every year since; they have evolved to a state of perfection and value unmatched by any other frame.
Company Overview
Genuine. Innovative. Original. Craig Calfee is a pioneer in carbon and bamboo frame design, manufacturing and repair. The first to offer custom frames in carbon fiber back in 1987, Calfee continues to push the high tech craftsman envelope, exploring the possibilities of carbon with new materials such as hemp and bamboo. Calfee offers numerous related product and services including the industry's leading Carbon Repair Service, our Di2 Internal Battery and Wiring System, our Sizer Cycle as well as our full carbon BarStem. As our 25 year history and product introduction time line will evidence, we've a broad body of work. Along those lines, it was recently written that, "There is likely no other name in the bicycle industry that has attached to it as broad and significant an arc of accomplishments as Craig Calfee."
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