Search by product type to see when matching Brands will be hosted at your local Costco.
The brands you'll find here are dedicated to customer service and answering your questions about their products without any pushy sales tactics. Search for a product type you've been interested in or have seen at Costco, find the next date the brand will have an in-store booth setup and stop by to speak with company reps and get a great price.
We work with brands sold at Costco to update their Costco Roadshow schedules each month to help you find which ones will be at your local Costco with a product display and special pricing.
Every month 70 different brands sold at Costco host over 1700 roadshow events happening across the 600+ Costco U.S. locations.
To make searching easier for Costco Roadshow dates on demodays, we split them out of our major events and demo day postings. Use the guide and info below to start your search for Costco Roadshow dates at your local Costco.
Search for Costco Roadshows by BrandEach brand with Costco Roadshow dates has a profile on You can search by brand name or by product category to see a list of brands who sell those products. Each profile has built in messaging if you want to ask product questions or other info. |
![]() | Search for Costco Roadshows by StateLook for the U.S. map and click on your state to see current roadshow dates. Once your on the Costco Roadshow search results page, click the Blue Globe to see a Google Maps view of your states Costco locations with event dates. |
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Costco is a membership based store, if you're not a member of Costco, no worries! Stop by the customer service desk inside the main entrance and they'll set you up. Costco Roadshow schedules can be updated at any time and event dates/times can be changed or canceled at any time.
Click Here To See All This Month Costco Roadshows
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