"We don’t sell our soul.” I’ve always had this motto.
With our engineers, we wanted to create two new ranges to broaden ourperspective - recreational road (referred to as training bikes) to ride aroundtown and also a kids range.
Road, because we like the idea of riding our bike around town and not justusing our car all the time, be free. Our range is therefore intended to besubtle, useful and refined whilst maintaining our unique identity.
Leading this is the UPTOWN range - THE logical bike. Not too many gears, 29er,an enduro-style position with wide handlebars, a shorter stem and wide"slick" tires to absorb the city bumps and potholes. A real surprise!
Then you have the "LE ROUTE" range because clearly, with its narrow tiresand road bike components, they could not have been born otherwise. However,they are in no way your traditional road bikes. No drop bars, a geometryentirely designed for a safer, easier and comfy position, with a low-risehandlebar and a short stem. Is it slower or less effective though? Good question.
You don’t have to dress like a Tour rider to go ride! Remain"classy". Respect your routes.
The kids? Simply put, because what is available is not good enough for us. Allthose youngsters who rode BMX and MTB 10, 25 years ago, are for the most partdads now. A "biking baby boom" really does exist and what do theywant for their offspring? Surely not an ordinary bike!
For sure our bikes are not the cheapest and we do not want to discuss priceswith people who think that kids only deserve entry-level!
The range, which we only want to expand, targets little shredders who willeventually be 15 and will surpass their mums & dads (both proud andjealous) with their skills. All the factors of good geometry and suitablecomponents that we develop for our adult bikes is applied, with as muchattention, to our kids range.
On the enduro side, crowned by numerous awards, the META SX is the brand’sreference. Its style rubs off on the entire range from the entry-level ELCAMINO to the Ramones and freeride/DH, "sending it” is expressed in eachfamily.
Sales continue to grow worldwide. From a solely bike-shop based distributionsystem we become multi-channeled. Our online store sees rising success. Manyriders like to have direct contact with us and vice versa.
2012 is also the year of decisions, notably "no carbon." Withoutdwelling on the subject and without denigrating anyone, we believe thismaterial is difficult and dangerous to implement and is not currently processedwithin an acceptable environment for workers in China and elsewhere. Inaddition, producing non-recyclable and impact-shy frames (in an ever increasingeco world) when we’re trying to makes thing cleaner and greener seemsinappropriate. Inevitably, all this is just to save a few grams. For sure, we goagainst the norm and we may miss out on some sales but we expect it.
2012 is also the year of color. "Happy colors" is a very sweetslogan, which is definitively a break in the endless white, black and grey ifthey can even be called colors? No gloom, just enjoy your ride!
With an impeccable control, Rémy ABSALON wins the Alpe d'Huez MEGAVALANCHE forthe third time. This victory proves once again, that our META range keeps itspromises in strength, reliability and performance. Rémy’s partner and our newenduro rider Nicolas QUERE nicknamed "The Artist"www.endurotribe.com’s revelation of the year. His crazy videos, his killerstyle and his amazing lines fits perfectly with the brand image. He promisesgreat adventures.
Steady and still improving, Myriam NICOLE finishes 3rd overall inthe DH World Cup. Supported by the RUFFIN brothers of the COMMENCAL-RidingAddiction, a team with whom we extended our partnership with for three moreseasons, "Pompon" is expected to win an international competition inthe near future.
Finally, because riding a bike also reflects life-stories, we created a webseries called COMMENCAL Insiders. Personal moments, laughter, fun wererecorded, reflecting on the MTBing spirit driven by our riders... Something forus to watch again and again and to share, without moderation.
Shredding, present and proud. COMMENCAL, Bicycles d’opinion forever!