Whether you reach Indianapolis and the 2018 ATA Trade Show by foot, plane, vehicle or horse-drawn carriage (has anyone ever done that?!), follow these steps for a smooth, successful Show experience.
1. Check into Your Hotel
Checking into your hotel has never been nicer. Be sure to contact your hotel for anything regarding your stay. Photo Credit: VisitIndy.com.
If you booked your hotel through the ATA Hotel Block, checking in should be straight-forward. Click here for contact information for hotels in the ATA block.
2. Make Your Way to the Indiana Convention Center
If you’d rather not walk, use the complimentary shuttle service to the Indiana Convention Center. Shuttles are available at six different hotels. Photo Credit: flickr.com.
Most nearby hotels connect to the Indiana Convention Center by skywalk. Click here for a map of these hotels. If you’d rather not walk, consider taking an ATA complimentary shuttle from one of six hotels. Click here to view the hotel list and the shuttle’s operating hours. The shuttle’s pickup and drop-off site at the Indiana Convention Center is the Maryland Motor Lobby on Maryland Street.
3. Obtain Your Show Badge
To obtain your Show badge, lanyard and badge holder, visit one of the three Express Pass kiosks: Wabash-West Lobby, intersection of Wabash and Crossroads Lobby; or in the Hoosier Lobby. Photo Credit: Shane Indrebo.
If you haven’t registered, online registration is open through Jan. 13, the Show’s final day. If you preregistered for the Show, the ATA emailed you an Express Pass with a barcode. Print out the barcode or download it to your phone. To obtain your Show badge, lanyard and badge holder, visit one of these Express Pass kiosks:
- Wabash-West Lobby, outside rooms 121 and 122;
- Intersection of Wabash and Crossroads Lobby;
- Hoosier Lobby at the main registration desk.
Your badge gives you access to the Show floor, seminars and more.
4. Download the 2018 ATA Mobile App
The app also sends you event alerts, lets you browse products, helps you plan your schedule, and more. Photo Credit: iStock.
The ATA Trade Show app is packed with features to help maximize your time at the Show. Download the free app and use the “locate me” feature to pinpoint your location. Next, map a fast route from one booth to the next. The app also sends you event alerts, lets you browse products, helps you plan your schedule, and more!
New this year: The Show Daily newsletter won’t list booth events. Refer to the mobile app to view the list of exhibitors and booth events.
5. Pick Up Your Goodie Bag
Pick up your Goodie Bag in the Goodie Bag Pick Up station located next to main registration in the Hoosier Lobby. Photo Credit: Shane Indrebo.
Goodie Bags stuffed by generous exhibitors are available to all ATA Trade Show retail attendees. Get your goodies at the Goodie Bag Pick Up station next to the main registration area in the Hoosier Lobby. You never know what’s waiting inside the bag. Previous goodie bags included flyers, DVDs, brochures, coupons, memory sticks, product samples, promotional items and more. The Goodie Bag also comes in handy when you forget your briefcase!
6. Attend a Can’t-Miss Pre-Show Event
These events offer fun, fellowship and networking opportunities, as well as the chance to receive excellent deals, giveaways and more to help your business succeed in 2018. Photo Credit: Shane Indrebo.
If you’re in town on Wednesday, Jan. 10, kick off the 2018 ATA Trade Show with these five pre-Show events. Join fellow ATA members in instructor certification classes, and at Outtech Innovations, the Hudalla Associates Inc. PreShow, the Archery Range and Retailers Organization Hot Show, and the National Archery Buyers Association Super Show.
These events offer fun, fellowship and networking opportunities, as well as many chances for excellent deals, giveaways and more to help your business succeed in 2018. Some events also offer free food and drinks! Don’t miss out! Attend them all.
7. Wrap up your 3-Day Plan
Be sure you attend a seminar every day of the Show to expand your knowledge and boost your business. Photo Credit: Shane Indrebo.
Craft a game plan before hitting the Show floor. If you haven’t already done so, use the mobile app to “star” your favorite activities, exhibitors, seminars and booth events. Your starred selections show up in the “My Planner” feature so you don’t miss anything!
Speaking of things you shouldn’t miss … Visit the Member Services Area so ATA staff can brief you on the many programs and services that help your business succeed. And be sure to check out the Innovation Zone and Featured Products!
Also attend a seminar every day of the Show to expand your knowledge and boost your business. You’ll find the one-hour seminars in rooms 130 to 139 each day, starting at 7:15 a.m. See the full seminar lineup here.
Visit the 2018 ATA Trade Show webpage for news, information and more! Enjoy the Show!