Sedona Mountain Bike Festival Postpones March 2021 Event - One Time Only Fall Event Nov 12-14 2021
Due to COVID-19, the Sedona Mountain Bike festival will not hold a Spring event, which was scheduled for March 5 – March 7, 2020, and is working to reschedule the event for Nov. 12 – Nov. 14, 2021. This will allow for COVID-19 infection and hospitalization rates to drop, and vaccines to arrive for the general public.
It likely comes as no surprise that with everything going on right now it is next to impossible to hold a Sedona Mountain Bike Festival in March of 2021. We had hoped with all of our might that things would be to a better point by now and it would look like we could provide that same great experience that you have come to expect from the Festival but it can’t be done this spring.
This is why the Festival team is scheduling a one-year-only Fall Festival for Nov. 12 – 14, 2021. If things look better in the summer, tickets will be offered for sale for a Fall Festival, before getting back to normal with the typical March event in 2022.
Save the Dates:
One-time only Fall festival:
Nov. 12 – 14, 2021
Back to normal Spring festival:
March 4 – 6, 2022
It has become so clear how much we miss all of the great events that happen every year and help shape not only the industry but the whole mountain bike experience. Please do all that you can to support other events you value whether it is music, theater, mountain biking or anything else you’re into. The people that dedicate their lives to these experiences need you, and we need them. See you hopefully in the Fall.