Posted 05/05/2017 in Bikes & Cycling - Updated 2021-07-31 02:06:22 by DemoDays

Six Tips to Get You Rollin’ - Bicycle Commute Basics

Six Tips to Get You Rollin’ - Bicycle Commute Basics

May is Bike to Work Month!

We wanted to share a few tips to help take the fear out of riding to work or for transportation.

Planning ahead is half the battle! You’ll always feel more excited about riding if everything is ready to go and you don’t need to rush first thing in the morning. 

1. BIKE: Make sure your bike is ready, air in tires, chain lubed, safety lights installed. Take a ride around the neighborhood to make sure everything feels secure BEFORE starting a new morning commute routine.

2. ROUTE: Test out your ride route in advance to make sure you know where to ride. For safety reasons, you will not want to follow your exact driving route. Look for paths, neighborhoods, lower traffic areas to help avoid dangerous intersections or narrow roads. Make sure to do this test ride when you have plenty of time to explore and are not running late for work!

3. GEAR: Set out any extra gear you may need; lock, kit to change flat tire, rain jacket, sunglasses, gloves, helmet. We have a shelf in our garage dedicated to these items. It makes it quick and easy to grab and go!

4. YOU: Lay out your riding outfit, change of clothes, toiletries, wallet, etc. I make sure to plan my breakfast and have lunch packed up the night before too. 

5. AT WORK: Not everybody has shower facilities. There may be a nearby recreation center or YMCA for you to clean up. If not, use a washcloth or baby wipes to clean up. I used to keep some extra toiletries, clothes, extra jacket, etc at work so I’d always have these things on hand.

6. SOCIAL: If possible, invite or meet up with a friend. It is always more fun to have company! Plus, you may help encourage others to ride too. For an extra thrill (!!) make Friday your coffee stop ride. ☕️  Plan enough time to stop at a coffee shop for a treat before work. It’s guaranteed to start your day off right!

CAN'T RIDE TO WORK?  Live to far away, have heavy equipment to transport or have kids with conflicting schedules? Just do what you can. Think about substituting another trip and go by bike for another errand - quick grocery run, post office, hardware store, library a picnic dinner. Invite family members to join you for these little bike outings. Every ride helps build confidence and skills to ride safely.

Start small and ride a few times a week — whatever is comfortable with your schedule, family and work commitments. It will get easier and more routine each time. We hope you find that you enjoy riding and look forward to your bike commutes as a way to sneak in a nice little workout and some fresh air.

The goal is to HAVE FUN and think of new ways to incorporate bicycles (or human powered) transportation into your life!

Happy Spring!

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