Putting on product demos or even just exhibiting your products in a 10x10 booth space at an expo or event requires an investment in time, resources, money, and staff. All too often we've heard from brands that they didn't get enough foot traffic or participation at their demo or exhibit space. Take a moment and browse through our checklist of items to do before - during - and after your next event....and remember that even if your products are not meant for a "demo", properly preparing for any product exhibit will get you more foot traffic, more brand awareness and in the end helps you connect with your customers.
Here are some tips to help maximize your demo event success. Demo events are one of the most effective ways to generate sales and create loyal customers. Here are a few ideas to make your demo program investments more profitable.
DemoDays.com Bike Demo Tips for Bike Brands
Get your calendar and schedule organized as early as possible with your key events
Share Schedule With Dealers
Coordinate mid-week demos with key dealers living near your major festivals and events
Share these tips with your dealers so they can help promote
As dates are confirmed, add to:
Your website
Your DemoDays.com account so more consumers can learn about your demo opportunities
Add demo information to your email newsletter and social media calendars
Share a press release with industry magazines and your favorite media outlets
Consider paid advertising packages promoting your demo schedule. You can geo-target to the most specific areas of the country.
- Social Media
As events and dates are confirmed, share social media post. IE: Can’t wait to see all our PA friends at Dirt Rag’s Dirt Fest for a weekend of super fun, fast, flowy trails....
Schedule social media reminders for each event using RecurPost or Buffer. You can set and forget updates. If you are extra organized, schedule reminders 1 month, 2 weeks, 1 week and 48 hours before each event.
Create signage inviting people to post photos with your demo hashtag (IE #pivotdemo Feature the best content on your accounts and newsletter
Ask your retailers, reps, athletes, and ambassadors to share your demo schedule
Pin info to the top of your Facebook and Twitter profiles for your biggest events
Event Promoters
Create easy to share content for event promoters. Share images, details about bike sizes, models, contests you’ll host at your booth, celebrity rider appearances, etc
Ask to be included in their email newsletters
Each month, share a quick news item with the event promoter for possible social media sharing.
Use Geo-Targeting
Place a small budget towards Facebook and Instagram ads announcing your demo opportunities.
Send a geo-targeted email invite two weeks before your biggest events.
Target to people living within a 2ish hour driving radius
Bike Reservations
Consider an RSVP process to allow people to reserve bikes in advance. We’ve seen some successful brands using a scrap of paper and clipboard. Take reservations for bike pickup by 9:00 AM.
For a more sophisticated system, use an online form to collect bike size, model, suspension details.
Added Value
Have one of your athletes or ambassadors attend and ride with consumers
Coordinate with the event promoter for special rides or events. NOTE: These are typically part of sponsorship packages. Please be respectful of the promoter and get prior approval to work together on any special plans. You don’t want any problems or unexpected insurance issues!
Bring your own photographer or videographer to collect content. These assets on your website, social media, or for future trade shows.
Collect rider info via a form or registration system. Make sure to include name, email address, and any details to segment user types for future marketing.
Encourage people to share photos of their demo rides with a specific hashtag. IE #PivotDemo
Host A Giveaway
At Closing Time Daily: Encourage people to return bikes on time for a chance to win a prize. Make sure people are aware of this opportunity as they head out for the day so they hurry back at closing time.
Encourage more demos by entering everyone who rides one of your bikes into a drawing. This helps get more people checking out your brand in addition to others they may be considering too.
Post a few photos on social media. Tag with location and event specific tags so others in the location have the opportunity to find you
Send thank you email with the link to your local dealer locator page.
Request feedback to hear what people loved about the event and areas for improvement. This could be a quick paper document or online survey emailed ASAP after the event.
Encourage people to share photos of their demo rides with a specific brand hashtag. IE: #pivotdemo
Create a post-event recap to share on your website, email newsletter, and social media. This will help raise awareness for your NEXT event(s) -- especially if it sounds fun and has great photos!
Post photo gallery on social media and tag friends, brands, and venue location
Have some ideas that work for your brand? We’d love to hear them! Please share your best ideas here: https://www.demodays.com/contact
Need help with these suggestions? We’ve got you covered. Let’s talk!
Add YOUR events to the calendar for FREE https://www.demodays.com/join/type
Search for local demo events near your home: https://www.demodays.com/bikes-cycling
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