If you own a retail bike shop or outdoor store, offering bike demos is a great way to bring new customers through the doors while educating them on your company and product offerings. Offering bike demos not only shows your customers you're willing to stand behind the products you sell but also tells them you want to make sure they buy the right product the first time, and that can help build customer trust and loyalty. Whether you've been offering demos for years or are considering offering them soon...check out our checklist of proven steps and tips that will make the most of your efforts.
DemoDays.com Bike Demo Tips for Shop Owners
Here are some tips to help maximize your bike shop demo event success. Demo events are one of the most effective ways to generate sales and create loyal customers. Here are a few ideas to make your efforts more profitable.
Contact your reps early to request demo dates
Communicate your date preferences and explain why your date may be ideal. IE -- university back to school week, spring when people start getting their income tax returns
Let the rep know your marketing plans
Once dates are finalized, invite your favorite hydration/nutrition rep too.
VIP Invites
Invite your top-dollar VIP customers to reserve bikes in advance
Review your database for cyclists who love a certain brand and may be due for an upgrade
Make sure to contact these folks with a personal call, text message, email. Invite these prospects before the general public.
Plan to open the VIP demo an hour early and have coffee, water, light snacks
Bike Reservations
Consider an RSVP process to allow people to reserve bikes in advance.
Use free Google Forms to collect info (bike size, saddle height, suspension, AM vs PM demo preferences, etc)
You’ll be able to use this RSVP info email a reminder 24 or 48 hours before the event
Plan a safe route suggestion and provide paper maps
Have a few of your club members attend the demo to host a 1-hour group ride open to any demo participants
Encourage Participation
Work with your rep(s) to put together a prize package. Everyone who demos a bike will be entered for a chance to win
Collect Assets from rep including photos, logos, text, links, demo gear specifics (sizes, models) to use in your announcements
Add demo details to your website
Add details to your FREE DemoDays.com account
Create event posters with demo details.
Make a template that you can update for future events.
Post flyers around the shop, restroom, changing rooms
Share flyers with local businesses
Social Media
Plan out social media posts
Create a few images, text, links to share
Post news as soon as dates are confirmed
Share reminders at 1 month, 2 weeks, 1 week and 24 hours before event
Plug these updates into your Social Media automation system so you don’t forget. We like RecurPost or Buffer
Pin info to the top of your Facebook and Twitter profiles
Consider putting a small budget towards paid social media posts promoting your event
Ask for help spreading the word! Share content with your employees, club, sales rep and neighboring businesses
Share with local cycling groups, teams, clubs, newspaper or media
Add info in your upcoming email newsletter(s)
Choose an employee to capture some photos for your post-event blog post, newsletter, and social media
Have some drinks and snacks available (or invite a hydration/nutrition rep to join you for the day).
Listen to comments on the new bikes
Request feedback to hear what people loved about the event and areas for improvement. This could be a quick paper document or online survey emailed ASAP after the event.
Create a post-event recap to share on your website, email newsletter, and social media. This will help raise awareness for your NEXT demo event -- especially if it sounds fun and has great photos!
Post photo gallery on social media and tag friends
Thank you rep(s) for attending so you build goodwill and can get onto their schedule for your next event.
Repeat the process and see your next demo events improving each time!
Have some ideas that work for your shop? We’d love to hear them! Please share your best ideas here: https://www.demodays.com/contact
Need help with these suggestions? We’ve got you covered. Let’s talk!
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Search for local demo events near your home: https://www.demodays.com/bikes-cycling
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