123 Station Rd Haydock, England, WA11 0JN United Kingdom
The SkiA Sweetspot Ski Trainer will activate your whole body, and will enhance your balance skills and movement patterns in a unique and highly skiing-specific way.
The trainers are designed to be used with ski boots, which limit free movement of the ankle joints.
Wobble-boards, for example, allow the work of balancing to be carried out by the ankles. On these it's possible to compensate for almost any position just by movements of the feet and ankles. This isn't what happens when you stand on solid ground, and it’s certainly not what happens when you ski.
In limiting free movement of the ankle joints, SkiA Ski Trainers closely simulate the balance challenge of skiing. You have to use your whole body to balance. Using them, you will become far more aware of the balance signals coming from your feet – activating and training your sense of proprioception. You will engage your knees and hips; the core muscles of your pelvis, abdomen and back; and your shoulders and arms. You will even engage your head to remain stable and centred. Your sense of balance can be so finely tuned that even movements of your fingers work to keep you in balance.
Train Balance & Movement Skills
Accurate balance requires highly co-ordinated movement patterns. The SkiA Ski Trainer is the only device that trains your balance and movement skills in this way. To stand on the blocks you have to be in centred balance. You automatically adopt a dynamic centred posture – the posture of a dynamic, centred skier.
The challenge is to remain exactly on target as you flex and extend dynamically. It’s usual for skiers to tip out of balance when flexing downwards or extending back up. The Trainer is unique in enabling you to train both a sophisticated and reproducible sequence of movements, and to stay exactly centred through a full, dynamic range of flexion and extension.
As well as training skills, the Trainer unmistakeably shows you where to balance. Using it, you will know exactly where your target point is, and you will be able to feel this and be aware of it every moment that you ski. Using progressively smaller and smaller blocks, you will be able to refine your sensitivity, and find this target and balance on it with more and more accuracy every time.
How do you use it?
You can use the trainer on any firm surface - such as tiles, wooden floors, carpet, and even firm snow. Simply clip it onto your ski boots and push in your chosen blocks from four levels of difficulty:
Green: The largest blocks. Fun and easy to use, even for absolute beginners.
Blue and red: A progressively difficult challenge for intermediates and more advanced skiers.
Black: Designed to be extremely difficult - a challenge even for experts such as experienced racers and freestyle skiers.
Practice takes just a few minutes at a time, and you feel the results immediately. After just one session, you'll start to have a clear and specific understanding of skilful centred balance. A carefully structured program of exercises progresses from centred balance through to advanced control techniques.