OnCourt OffCourt

Tennis & Racquet
Dallas, Texas, 75214

Contact Information

Company Name
OnCourt OffCourt
  • Visit Website
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  • Location
    6301 Gaston Ave
    Dallas, Texas, 75214
    United States

    OnCourt OffCourt

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    Since it's inception in 1994, OnCourt OffCourt has become the world's leading tennis source for hundreds of creative training and fitness aids, books and DVDs, educational materials, and quality court equipment for the tennis industry.

    More than that, we are dedicated first and foremost to education. I personally travel and speak at approximately thirty conventions throughout North America and internationally each year, addressing more than 10,000 sports coaches and teachers and well as business professionals. You can sense our commitment on education within this website - tips, articles, video-clips, an instructional blog, and more, all available free of charge.

    That said, beyond the Internet, we are real people and you can talk to us in person. In the U.S. call toll-free 1-888-366-4711 or outside the U.S. 1-214-823-3078. Our fax # is 1-214-823-3082. Our motto is OnCourt OffCourt, Leaders in Fun and Innovation.

    Our goal is to be recognized as an important contributor to the growth of the sport of tennis. Make it fun and they will come!

    Sincerely yours,

    Joe Dinoffer
    Founder and President 

    Brief Description: Oncourt Offcourt is the most comprehensive tennis training company in the world with hundreds of creative training aids, books and DVDs, plus an extensive line of court equipment and ball machines. We also offer a solid assortment of fitness products, plus skill development aids for children and physical education teachers.