Oskar Blues REEB Ranch is a haven for mountain bikers, a music & event space.
Company Name
Oskar Blues REEB Ranch
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Phone Number
(303) 845-0394
315 Shoals Falls Rd Hendersonville, North Carolina, 28739 United States
Year Built
Oskar Blues REEB Ranch
REEB Cycles was founded in 2011 by some folks at Oskar Blues Brewery who eat, breathe, and sweat bikes. The Ranch was dreamt up in 2014 to compliment the “beers n’ bikes” culture and give the REEB bicycles a place to roam.
DuPont State Forest: DuPont State Recreational Forest contains 10,400 acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina and has over 80 miles of roads and trails that are shared by hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians.
Pisgah National Forest: Comprised of over 500,000 acres, the Pisgah is primarily a hardwood forest with whitewater rivers, waterfalls and hundreds of miles of trails.
Craft Beer Paradise: A great addition to the lifestyle and culture of western North Carolina is the growth of fine beers. Our very own Oskar Blues Brewery sells over 50% of their beer east of the Mississippi and the brewery offers tours and good times daily.
How can I visit the ranch? Contact us using one of the methods above to let us know when you’d like to swing by.
How can I use the pump track for me personally or for a group? Contact us using one o.f the methods above
How long can I stay on the property? There is a 14-day maximum for camping, but please contact us regarding extended stays and we’ll see what we can do!
Are pets allowed? We allow up to two household pets per group. It is expected that if you bring an animal, it will be friendly and won’t disrupt the experience being had by other guests.
Take I-26 south
Take 64 W (Exit 49B)
Turn left onto N. Church Street
Turn right onto Kanuga Road (Turns in to Crab Creek Road)
From Crab Creek Road, turn left on to Shoals Falls Rd
Take Highway 64 east for approximately 7 miles
Turn right onto Crab Creek Road and drive 4.5 miles
Turn right onto Shoals Falls Road.
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