We believe in living responsibly and taking care of our planet. Unfortunately, we live a disposable society. And that’s a big issue when it comes to plastics. With LUUMI we want to shine a light on this problem and help change habits, from unconscious wastefulness to conscious reuse.
The world produces over 300 million tons of the stuff every year. That’s like 100 million elephants, give or take. And half of those plastics are used just once. Mostly thrown away, not recycled. We believe LUUMI can help turn this around.
Silicone is made from sand, not plastic. And LUUMI products are made with 100% platinum silicone – the cleanest form there is. That means there are no Bisphenols, PVC, phthalates or toxic fillers of any kind. Choose LUUMI. Your body will thank you. The planet will thank you.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can 
change the world. Indeed, it is the only 
thing that ever has.— Margaret Mead
Andrew grew up in a family of innovators. He’s a father, a world traveller, an inventor and a philanthropist. It was during his global travels that Andrew was inspired to find a solution to the world’s toxic overload of plastic. Andrew has worked with a number of advisors and with DDB Canada.
We discovered LUUMI at the 2018 Outdoor Retailer Winter Show and were super excited to meet them after randomly finding... Read More